Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I have a dream....

In honor of Martin Luther King Day we reflected on the I have a dream speech….here is what our Jwalkers said….

"My biggest dream for the future is for people eveywhere I the world to be happy.  I want people in every country, first or third world, to feel true happiness.  And feel no jealousy.  No jealousy of other worlds or other countries.  Everyone is able to live their lives and no one is able to live their lives and and no one is restricted by laws, stigmas, or negative feelings." Becca Green.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. day we asked our Justice walking crew what they dreamed..."I have a dream that one day the world will know peace. There will be no wars. Conflict will be resolved by discussion. Not destruction. I have a dream that the world will know compassion. People will treat one another with respect and kindness. I have a dream that the world will become one. That borders won't divide us nor religion nor race. I have a dream that I will learn what it means to be truly happy. That I will know how to cultivate happiness both for myself, my family, my friends, and for the world that surrounds me. I have a dream that the world will know God; that there's something bigger out there, bigger than us...
MacKenzie Mills

I have a dream...
that all outcasts will be and feel accepted.
that everyone will feel loved.
that people will feel intrinsic value and our planet and it will be respected as our home.
we will be connected to one another.
Leah Schaffer

I have a dream...
character flaws
Maria Watson

I have a dream that hearts feel whole again…
Christian Andreen

I have a dream
To make a positive difference in someone's life
To stay positive even when things don't go as planned
To be open to new experiences that would help me grow into the person I want to become
To not be afraid to stand up for what I believe
To voice my opinion
To not make a quick judgement about others based on their looks or on what they may have done in the past
To not second guess my talents and abilities
To make the most out of life
To not regret doing something or not doing something
To take every chance given to make a better life for myself and others
To be the best daughter, sister, friend I can be
To be willing to change for the better
To be patient at all times, so not to rush into things or get upset when things don't happen when I want them to.
Lorraine Martinez

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